Saturday 24 September 2011

It's Finally Here!

The day is finally here...the Practical Magic blog party has begun!  Click on the link on the right sidebar to visit all of the other blogs participating in the fun! Here is my small tribute to one of my favorite books/movies...

Aaaah, that letter!  Love - in all its forms - is really what the story is all about...

Sally Owens: [Sally's letter to Gillian] Sometimes I feel like there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could probably hear the ocean. The moon tonight, there's a circle around it. Sign of trouble not far behind. I have this dream of being whole. Of not going to sleep each night, wanting. But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing... I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me. I want to be seen. I don't know. Maybe I had my happiness. I don't want to believe it but, there is no man, Gilly. Only that moon.

Sally Owens: Can love really travel back in time and heal a broken heart? Was it our joined hands that finally lifted Maria's curse? I'd like to think so. But there are some things I know for certain: always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.


Gillian Owens: You ever put your arms out and spin really, really fast?
Antonia Owens: She does it all the time.
Gillian Owens: She does? Well, that's what love is like. It makes your heart race. It turns the world upside down. But if you're not careful, if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around you. You can't see that you're about to fall.
Gary Hallet: Did you or your sister kill James Angelov?
Sally Owens: Yeah, a couple of times.

The Aunts always knew when to wipe a tear...and when to party!!

Sally Owens: And I don't want them dancing naked under the full moon!
Aunt Jet Owens: No, of course. The nudity is entirely optional. As you well remember!

Sally Owens: All I want is a normal life.
Aunt Frances Owens: My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!

Midnight Margaritas!

Aunt Frances Owens: Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog.
Aunt Jet Owens: Adder's fork and blindworm's sting,
Aunt Frances Owens: Barbados lime is just the thing.
Aunt Jet Owens: Cragged salt like a sailor's stubble!
Aunt Frances Owens: Flip the switch and let the cauldron bubble!

And oh, how many times I've swooned over THAT HOUSE!

And of Sandra and Nicole...the perfect witchy sisters!

Add a little Practical Magic to your day today!

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